
East Street / West Street Show

Last month I went to London, UK, to create four plywood artworks for a group show called East Street / West Street. The show, which opened on February 27 in Lollipop Gallery, features works by my fellow Russian artists Vova Nootk and Misha Most, as well as posters by Shepard Fairey and works by the American duo The Mirf. Big ups to the co-curator Monika Norse and all the gallery staff. If you happen to be in London, drop by till March 22! This is the biggest plywood artwork I've made so far. 150x230cm.

The backside of a plywood sheet with laser-cut details.

The process of painting the details.

Assembling the artwork.

A set of details for 'The Lady With a Hawk'.

Looks like a huge puzzle.

64 packs of epoxy glue for assembling all the four works.

The work is done.