Synthesis & Integration Exhibition
I was honored to participate in a group show called Synthesis and Integration that was held from August 9 till September 6, 2013 in Moscow, Russia. The exhibition, which was part of the Faces & Laces Street Culture Show, featured works by both famous European and American artists, including Erosie, Mode 2, KR, and Stash, as well as local artists, including Alexey Luka and myself. I showcased a series of four plywood tile artworks, one of which was especially made for the show.
Russain Creative Panel at OFFF 2011
On June 9-11, 2011 the OFFF Post-Digital Culture Festival was held in Barcelona, Spain, and for the first time in this fest’s history the program included a Russian Creative Panel. It was divided into three parts: Masters of Motion, Digital Artists and Young Blood; and I was honoured to be among the artists whose work was showcased during the presentation. Thanks to the OFFF organizers, Evgeny Kiselev, Arseny Vesnin, and Vladimir Tomin!
Faces and Laces 2011
Recently I've created a series of six plywood artworks, which were exhibited last week at Faces and Laces Street Culture Show, Moscow. I've spent a month and a half working on them, and today I'd like to share some pics taken during the making of these works, as well as some photos from the exhibition.
As for the technique I used, first, I made vector images based on my sketches; carved all the details out of plywood using a scroll saw; then sandpapered and smoothed them. And finally I painted all the pieces and glued them together. Enjoy it!
Kunstkraft Exhibition
Guys from Montana Cans invited me to take part in an exhibition and charity auction which was held in Mannheim, Germany at the end of July. The project called Kunstkraft took place at Studio Alte Feuerwache where four of my recent illustrations were printed and exhibited along with works by other artists. All the money raised from selling the artworks will go to children in Kenya.
AnyForty Versus Exhibition
If you happen to be in Bristol on 12-13 June, you are welcome to come along to Start The Bus Gallery, 7-9 Baldwin Street; it will host a two-day group exhibition organized by Alan Wardle of AnyForty. I've made a brand new A3 illustration especially for the show; if you come you can both see it and buy yourself a copy. Watch a video teaser of the upcoming show after the jump.
Write The Future @ Faces and Laces
The sculpture I created for Nike Write the Future advertising campaign was exhibited at the street culture group show called Faces and Laces, held in Moscow on May 21-22. I thought that combining 3D typographic elements, which I really like, with a replica of Moscow International Business Center will be a great idea because the latter has become a symbol of modern Russia and its future development. Since Write the Future is all about football, I decided to add a soccer ball which gave the sculpture the final touch. You will find some more photos from the show after the jump.
Faces and Laces, 12 posters
On May 21-22 a street culture show called Faces and Laces was held in Moscow for the fourth year in a row. Especially for this event I made 12 new illustrations which were exhibited on my personal wall. You can view the pictures of my wall with all 12 posters after the jump.
AnyForty Versus Exhibition
Alan Warlde of AnyForty UK invited me to take part in the upcoming group show at Start the Bus Bristol art gallery. Al asked a bunch of designers and illustrators, who has already worked with him, to create an A3 poster for the show. After the 12 posters I made during the last month for the Faces and Laces show (which will be held in Moscow on 21-22 May) this seems to be a pretty relaxing thing to do. So I’m going to chill and enjoy creating this illustration.
The show at Start the Bus art gallery will last three days from June 11 till June 13. If you happen to be in Bristol in June, please drop by! I’ll post some pictures from the show after it’s over. Stay tuned!
Faces and Laces 2010, Sneak peek
Faces and Laces, an interactive show dedicated to street culture, will be held in Moscow for the fourth time this year. It will take place at the end of May at an amazing venue in the very heart of the city, right next to the Red Square. Besides the streetwear consumer section, there will be a huge exhibition space where the works of both Russian and foreign artists will be showcased. This year's line-up looks pretty impressive and includes Viagrafik, Usugrow, Sat One, Stak, Zbiok, Mike Keshnar, and Samuel François.
I’m making a series of posters especially for the show, and I’ve participated in some exciting collaborations which will be displayed there as well. I’ll upload all my new works into my Portfolio after the show. If you happen to be in Moscow at the end of May, you are welcome to come around! Meanwhile, you can get a glimpse of the venue after the click.
Belio X10 Group shows
This is an illustration I made for the 10th anniversary of the Spanish Belio Magazine. It was exhibited at group exhibitions organized by Belio in Barcelona, Elche, Bilbao, and Berlin during April, 2009 - April 2010. Watch more photos below.