Zupi , April 2013
Honored to have my plywood multilayer artworks, including the most recent ones, featured in a special edition of a Brazilian magazine Zupi. The issue also includes profiles of a Swedish artist Michael Johansson, Jen Stark from the US, and other artists.
Monokrome, Vol. 2
After one failed attempt to get the book I've finally laid my hands on it. Don't rely on the Russian post service, ever! I'm honored to have my work featured along with works by Bates, Loomit, Shok1, Suiko, and other writers. Big ups to Rob Whitelock! The selection of my works from 2007-2011 is pretty cool. It includes wall pieces, a canvas, polystyrene and plywood artworks, as well as some digital illustrations.
Choi's Gallery Vol. 16
The Wolf sculpture, I made last year for Nike's new store in Moscow, was featured in Choi's Gallery Magazine, China. This 220-page issue showcases packaging, identity, posters, promotional materials and the like from 200 graphic designers from all over the world. I'd like to share some spreads from the mag with you.
Over the last few years I've travelled to Montenegro, Ukraine, Germany, Israel, Italy, and Spain where I've seen some amazing places and sceneries. In this post I'd like to share some inspiring images I've brought from these journeys, as well as a few shots made in my home city of Moscow.
Bike Art
Bike Art, a new book published by Publikat, contains different types of artwork from around the world inspired by bicycles. I'd like to share with you a spread with my illustration, as well as some works done by other artists that I really liked. Big ups to Kiriakos Iosifidis!
Vectorism. Vector Graphics Today
A book called Vectorism, published by Victionary Ltd., Hong Kong, focuses on today's graphic art showcasing works by 50 talented artists and studios from around the globe, including Craig & Karl, Rinzen, Emil Kozak, ilovedust, and many others. Honoured to be featured in this book. Big ups to the Victionary team!
Typography Sketchbooks
This autumn Princeton Architectural Press, New York has published the new book by Steven Heller, the world’s leading graphic design historian, and Lita Talarico called Typography Sketchbooks. It's been also published in Europe by Thames and Hudson. Typography Sketchbooks compiles works by nearly 120 of the world's leading graphic designers, typographers, and leterers.
Computer Arts #191
Finally, I've got my hands on the summer issue of Computer Arts #191. It features my plywood artwork called Radiance: one of the series I created for the Faces and Laces Street Culture Show held in Moscow on 3-4 June 2011.
Page Magazine 09.2011
In their September issue, the German design magazine Page dedicated a whole section to Russian digital artists and illustrators. There is a total of six profiles, and the first spread of the section features some of my works and a small interview. Check it out!
Making of Quadra Universe
Last week, I made a big polystyrene sculpture for International Festival of Contemporary Music and Media Arts MIGZ 2011, Moscow. I worked on this 4 x 3.6m relief for three days, and today I'd like to share some pics and stop-motion animation showing the assembling process. Quadra Universe will stay at the Red October creative cluster after the festival is over.