Inside the World of Board Graphics22.09.2011
I've just received a copy of Inside the World of Board Graphics by Rockport Publishers, USA featuring some of my skateboard designs and a couple of other works. The funny thing is that I've been mentioned in the Contents as "Aske, Japan" and all the descriptions to my works have been mixed up. Nevertheless, big ups to the authors!
Making of Beyond Reality21.09.2011
This year, I created a series of illustrations for a static theme downloadable for PlayStation3 and PSP called Beyond Reality. I've posted the final result of my work on my portfolio and here you can have a look at my sketches and the two videos depicting certain stages of the creative process.
Russain Creative Panel at OFFF 201104.07.2011
On June 9-11, 2011 the OFFF Post-Digital Culture Festival was held in Barcelona, Spain, and for the first time in this fest’s history the program included a Russian Creative Panel. It was divided into three parts: Masters of Motion, Digital Artists and Young Blood; and I was honoured to be among the artists whose work was showcased during the presentation. Thanks to the OFFF organizers, Evgeny Kiselev, Arseny Vesnin, and Vladimir Tomin!
Last week I got hold of a book called Typoshirt One, published in 2010 by Index Book, Barcelona. It contains some of my t-shirt graphics made from 2007 to 2009 for CTRL Clothing, Anteater Clothing, Montana Cans, Beautiful Decay Apparel, as well as one self-made tee.
Faces and Laces 201113.06.2011
Recently I've created a series of six plywood artworks, which were exhibited last week at Faces and Laces Street Culture Show, Moscow. I've spent a month and a half working on them, and today I'd like to share some pics taken during the making of these works, as well as some photos from the exhibition.
As for the technique I used, first, I made vector images based on my sketches; carved all the details out of plywood using a scroll saw; then sandpapered and smoothed them. And finally I painted all the pieces and glued them together. Enjoy it!
New Works Sneak Peek30.05.2011
This Friday, June 3, Faces and Laces Street Culture Show will be held in Moscow for the fifth time. I've been creating new works especially for this event for more than a month. Since last year I exhibited a series of printed posters, this time around I decided to make something with my own hands. I'll post the photos of all the works after the show. Meanwhile, you can enjoy some sneak peeks.
I've just received a copy of AnyForty Teeology book. It's a 78-page book showcasing all the artwork made for AnyForty, UK by different artists from all around the world in 2008-2010. There are pictures of the two designs I made for the Versus range of tees and a poster for last year’s Charity Versus Exhibition. Big ups to Alan!
Fixed Gear Bike16.03.2011
Besides riding bikes, I really like to build them up. Late summer 2010 I started collecting parts for a fixed gear bike, and finally it's finished. I painted the frameset white and black; the rest of the parts have been left in their original color. This is the third bike I've built; the two previous ones were BMX bikes.
Street Fonts Book15.03.2011
In 2009 I made an ABC canvas for the book by Claudia Walde a.k.a Mad C called Street Fonts—Graffiti Alphabets from Around the World. This 320-page book, exhibiting alphabets by 154 artists from 30 countries, was released in February 2011 in 5 languages: English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian. It was great to discover that the Spanish edition has my artwork on its back cover.
We are the Future22.11.2010
Alan of AnyForty, UK has released a new t-shirt with my graphics. The slogan in Russian reads "We are the Future". As always, this is a limited run, never to be printed again. Check out the tee after the jump.